In "Markups for Consumers" (Ganglmair, Kann, and Tsanko), we construct a concordance table between 4-digit COICOP (consumption) classes and 4-digit NACE (industry) classes. Download the file here.
If you decide to use the table, please cite the paper:
Ganglmair, Bernhard, Alexander Kann, and Ilona Tsanko (2021): "Markups for Consumers," Journal of Economics and Statistics, 241(5-6), 2021 (November), pp 701-734
We are collecting research output that uses our table. If you'd like to be listed, please send us the paper or citation information.
If you have any suggestions for improvement or if you find any errors in the table, please reach out.
patccat - PATent Claim Classification by Algorithmic Text-Analysis
Our current release is 3.3.0. We are planning an update with additional variables (and some fixed bugs) by early summer 2022.
For a detailed description of our data construction and a discussion of the data and results see our paper ("The Rise of Process Claims: Evidence from a Century of U.S. Patents") on SSRN. You can find the main findings in this short handout.
For a short summary of the project, take a look at this deck of slides (December 2021).
"Learning When to Quit: An Empirical Model of Experimentation in Standards Development" | Published in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics. Data available through Zenodo
"Representation is Not Sufficient for Selecting Gender Diversity" | Published in Research Policy. Data coming soon.
"Markups for Consumers" | Published in the Journal of Economics and Statistics. Data and replication files available here