I study how laws, markets, and other societal institutions affect firms' incentives to invest in R&D and disclose their inventions to the public. I further study how these institutions and their role in R&D affect the competitive environment in the respective industries. My main field of research is innovation economics. I am also interested in the law and economics of privacy, contracts, and litigation.

Publications (peer-reviewed)

Contact me for personal-use copies of my articles.

Contributions to Edited Volumes and Special Issues

Policy Reports

Working Papers (under review)

  • Regulatory Compliance with Limited Enforceability: Evidence from Privacy Policies
    with Jacopo Gambato and Julia Krämer; latest version: July 2024
    • Find the paper on SSRN (Version: March 8, 2024)

  • Do Judicial Assignments Matter? Evidence from Random Case Allocation
    with Christian Helmers and Brian J. Love; latest version: January 2024

  • Visibility of Technology and Cumulative Innovation: Evidence from Trade Secrets Laws
    with Imke Reimers; latest version: February 2022

Other Working Papers

Contact me for the most recent version!

  • Soft-Landing Contract and Temporal Incompleteness
    with Julian Klix and Dongsoo Shin; latest version: March 2024

  • Equilibrium Effects of the Availability of Injunctions in Standard-Essential Patent Licensing
    with Benno Buehler and Dominik Fischer; latest version: September 2023
    • Find the paper on SSRN

  • The Rise of Process Claims: Evidence from a Century of U.S. Patents
    with W. Keith Robinson and Michael Seeligson; April 2022

  • Strategic Information Disclosure: The Case of Pending Patents
    with David T. Angenendt and Jong-Min Oh; March 2022

  • Complexity, Standardization, and the Design of Loan Agreements
    with Malcolm Wardlaw; April 2017

Work in Progress

  • Networks and Power: Gender Effects of Random Selection Into an Administrative Elite
  • Do Commonly Held Firms Coordinate Their R&D? Evidence from Patents
  • Mergers and the Direction of Corporate Innovation
  • Innovation Strategy and R&D Tax Credits
  • The Disclosure Gap in Privacy Policies
  • Innovation Outside the Patent System: Evidence from Research Disclosures
  • Does Competition Make Firms Lie? Evidence from Disclosures in Privacy Policies

Permanent Working Papers

Last changed: July 9, 2024